I can't imagine how it would be if we wouldn't be able to buy make up brushes. And we would have to use only sponge applicators and harsh brushes that come with products.
So you probably all have some of brushes and u probably want to take good care of them. If you clean your brushes as you should they will last really long time.
You can spend your money on brush cleaners from MAC, Elf, and others. And i would love to try them, but they are not avalible in Slovenia.
But also Mac brush cleaner is expensive, so why wouldn't you just buy some baby shampoo wich costs less than 3€ ? I did this.
How i clean my brushes?
First i take some paper cups that you can buy for parties (yes i have Micky Mouse ones :P ) and pour some of baby shampoo in. Then i put brushes in and leave them for 15-30 minutes, so all the make up that is on brushes break down.
After that i clean brushes one by one. Open water not to cold and not to hot. Somewhere in the middle. I let water pouring down my hand and i'm swirling the brush on my hand, just to remove the shampoo and all make up.
I take a towell and just swirl the bursh on it and then i shape the brush.
I leave brushes on a towel and leave them on a flor in the bathroom, because they dryes quicker because we have floor heating.
I leave them drying over night.
How do you clean your brushes?
Have a nice evening. =)*
So you probably all have some of brushes and u probably want to take good care of them. If you clean your brushes as you should they will last really long time.
You can spend your money on brush cleaners from MAC, Elf, and others. And i would love to try them, but they are not avalible in Slovenia.
But also Mac brush cleaner is expensive, so why wouldn't you just buy some baby shampoo wich costs less than 3€ ? I did this.
How i clean my brushes?
First i take some paper cups that you can buy for parties (yes i have Micky Mouse ones :P ) and pour some of baby shampoo in. Then i put brushes in and leave them for 15-30 minutes, so all the make up that is on brushes break down.
After that i clean brushes one by one. Open water not to cold and not to hot. Somewhere in the middle. I let water pouring down my hand and i'm swirling the brush on my hand, just to remove the shampoo and all make up.
I take a towell and just swirl the bursh on it and then i shape the brush.
I leave brushes on a towel and leave them on a flor in the bathroom, because they dryes quicker because we have floor heating.
I leave them drying over night.
How do you clean your brushes?
Have a nice evening. =)*
hmmm nwemče jih je pametno namakat, se lahka lepo zmehča? :O
OdgovoriIzbrišiŽe tri leta jih tk čistim...pa so take kot na začetku :)Pa sem vidla tut par drugih, ki tako delajo tudi z Mac čopiči...
OdgovoriIzbrišiTudi jaz ti ne bi svetovala tega 15-30 minutnega namakanja. Najbolje je, da očistiš vsak čopič posebej. Jaz dam malo mila v roko, potem pa odprem pipo, da malo teče in čopič nekako "povaljam" v milu in vodi. To delam dokler gre od čopiča umazana voda. Potem še dobro sčistim milo ven iz ščetin, ožamem in dam ležat na papirnato brisačko. Za kabuki je pa način sušenja malce drugačen.
No saj niso vsi toliko časa notri :) Pač šampon nalijem v kozarček notri dam čopiče
OdgovoriIzbrišiprvega začnem čistit na roki po približno 10ih minutah...predo pridejo vsi na vrsto pa pač traja :) Kar se uporablja za tekoče izdelke, gele in šminke pustim za konec :)
Jaz pa najprej malo zmočim čopiče, dam nanje malo šampona, namočim za 5 min v kozarček, dobro sperem, pa enako ponovim še z balzamom. Zaenkrat se obnese. :D Si bom pa verjetno kupila elf-ov šampon za hitro čiščenje, glede na to, da moja zbirka čopičev ni ravno ogromna, pa mi jih med tednom kar zmanjka, če preveč menjam barve. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiO elfovem tudi jaz razmišljam, sploh za čopiče za oči.